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No commits in common. "master" and "0.8.3" have entirely different histories.

14 changed files with 479 additions and 1441 deletions

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

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@ -2,14 +2,12 @@
Use the excellent tool of [utmp]( for this task.
## Some _random program_ complains that st is unknown/not recognised/unsupported/whatever!
It means that st doesnt have any terminfo entry on your system. Chances are
you did not `make install`. If you just want to test it without installing it,
you can manually run `tic -sx`.
## Nothing works, and nothing is said about an unknown terminal!
* Some programs just assume theyre running in xterm i.e. they dont rely on
@ -17,7 +15,6 @@ you can manually run `tic -sx`.
* Some programs dont complain about the lacking st description and default to
another terminal. In that case see the question about terminfo.
## How do I scroll back up?
* Using a terminal multiplexer.
@ -26,12 +23,10 @@ you can manually run `tic -sx`.
* Using the excellent tool of [scroll](
* Using the scrollback [patch](
## I would like to have utmp and/or scroll functionality by default
You can add the absolute path of both programs in your config.h file. You only
have to modify the value of utmp and scroll variables.
You can add the absolute patch of both programs in your config.h
file. You only have to modify the value of utmp and scroll variables.
## Why doesn't the Del key work in some programs?
@ -88,14 +83,12 @@ If you are using zsh, then read the zsh FAQ
Putting these lines into your .zshrc will fix the problems.
## How can I use meta in 8bit mode?
St supports meta in 8bit mode, but the default terminfo entry doesn't
use this capability. If you want it, you have to use the 'st-meta' value
in TERM.
## I cannot compile st in OpenBSD
OpenBSD lacks librt, despite it being mandatory in POSIX
@ -104,7 +97,6 @@ If you want to compile st for OpenBSD you have to remove -lrt from, an
st will compile without any loss of functionality, because all the functions are
included in libc on this platform.
## The Backspace Case
St is emulating the Linux way of handling backspace being delete and delete being
@ -166,60 +158,19 @@ terminal users wants its backspace to be how he feels it:
## But I really want the old grumpy behaviour of my terminal
Apply [1].
## Why do images not work in st (in programs such as w3m)?
## Why do images not work in st using the w3m image hack?
w3mimg uses a hack that draws an image on top of the terminal emulator Drawable
window. The hack relies on the terminal to use a single buffer to draw its
contents directly.
st uses double-buffered drawing so the image is quickly replaced and may show a
short flicker effect.
Below is a patch example to change st double-buffering to a single Drawable
diff --git a/x.c b/x.c
--- a/x.c
+++ b/x.c
@@ -732,10 +732,6 @@ xresize(int col, int row) = col *; = row *;
- XFreePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.buf);
- xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy,, win.w, win.h,
- DefaultDepth(xw.dpy, xw.scr));
- XftDrawChange(xw.draw, xw.buf);
xclear(0, 0, win.w, win.h);
/* resize to new width */
@@ -1148,8 +1144,7 @@ xinit(int cols, int rows)
gcvalues.graphics_exposures = False;
dc.gc = XCreateGC(xw.dpy, parent, GCGraphicsExposures,
- xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy,, win.w, win.h,
- DefaultDepth(xw.dpy, xw.scr));
+ xw.buf =;
XSetForeground(xw.dpy, dc.gc, dc.col[defaultbg].pixel);
XFillRectangle(xw.dpy, xw.buf, dc.gc, 0, 0, win.w, win.h);
@@ -1632,8 +1627,6 @@ xdrawline(Line line, int x1, int y1, int x2)
- XCopyArea(xw.dpy, xw.buf,, dc.gc, 0, 0, win.w,
- win.h, 0, 0);
XSetForeground(xw.dpy, dc.gc,
defaultfg : defaultbg].pixel);
This is a terrible hack that overdraws an image on top of the terminal emulator
window. It also relies on a very specific way the terminal draws it's contents.
A more proper (but limited way) would be using sixels. Which st doesn't
## BadLength X error in Xft when trying to render emoji
@ -248,6 +199,3 @@ fonts:
Please don't bother reporting this bug to st, but notify the upstream Xft
developers about fixing this bug.
As of 2022-09-05 this now seems to be finally fixed in libXft 2.3.5:

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
MIT/X Consortium License
© 2014-2022 Hiltjo Posthuma <hiltjo at codemadness dot org>
© 2014-2018 Hiltjo Posthuma <hiltjo at codemadness dot org>
© 2018 Devin J. Pohly <djpohly at gmail dot com>
© 2014-2017 Quentin Rameau <quinq at fifth dot space>
© 2009-2012 Aurélien APTEL <aurelien dot aptel at gmail dot com>

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
SRC = st.c x.c hb.c
SRC = st.c x.c
OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o)
all: options st
@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ config.h:
$(CC) $(STCFLAGS) -c $<
st.o: config.h st.h win.h
x.o: arg.h config.h st.h win.h hb.h
hb.o: st.h
x.o: arg.h config.h st.h win.h
$(OBJ): config.h
@ -50,12 +49,9 @@ install: st
chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
tic -sx
@echo Please see the README file regarding the terminfo entry of st.
cp -f st.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(APPPREFIX)
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/st
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(APPPREFIX)/st.desktop
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1
.PHONY: all options clean dist install uninstall

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* font: see
static char *font = "Fira Code:pixelsize=14:antialias=true:autohint=true";
static char *font = "Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true";
static int borderpx = 2;
@ -43,18 +43,9 @@ static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
/* frames per second st should at maximum draw to the screen */
static unsigned int xfps = 120;
static unsigned int actionfps = 30;
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
@ -93,60 +84,45 @@ char *termname = "st-256color";
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* bg opacity */
float alpha = 0.8;
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
[0] = "#000000", /* black */
[1] = "#ff5555", /* red */
[2] = "#50fa7b", /* green */
[3] = "#f1fa8c", /* yellow */
[4] = "#bd93f9", /* blue */
[5] = "#ff79c6", /* magenta */
[6] = "#8be9fd", /* cyan */
[7] = "#bbbbbb", /* white */
/* 8 bright colors */
[8] = "#44475a", /* black */
[9] = "#ff5555", /* red */
[10] = "#50fa7b", /* green */
[11] = "#f1fa8c", /* yellow */
[12] = "#bd93f9", /* blue */
[13] = "#ff79c6", /* magenta */
[14] = "#8be9fd", /* cyan */
[15] = "#ffffff", /* white */
/* special colors */
[256] = "#222222", /* background */
[257] = "#ffffff", /* foreground */
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
"gray90", /* default foreground colour */
"black", /* default background colour */
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 257;
unsigned int defaultbg = 256;
unsigned int defaultcs = 257;
unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
unsigned int defaultbg = 0;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
* Colors used, when the specific fg == defaultfg. So in reverse mode this
* will reverse too. Another logic would only make the simple feature too
* complex.
unsigned int defaultitalic = 7;
unsigned int defaultunderline = 7;
* Default shape of cursor
* 2: Block ("")
@ -183,54 +159,14 @@ static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Xresources preferences to load at startup
ResourcePref resources[] = {
{ "font", STRING, &font },
{ "color0", STRING, &colorname[0] },
{ "color1", STRING, &colorname[1] },
{ "color2", STRING, &colorname[2] },
{ "color3", STRING, &colorname[3] },
{ "color4", STRING, &colorname[4] },
{ "color5", STRING, &colorname[5] },
{ "color6", STRING, &colorname[6] },
{ "color7", STRING, &colorname[7] },
{ "color8", STRING, &colorname[8] },
{ "color9", STRING, &colorname[9] },
{ "color10", STRING, &colorname[10] },
{ "color11", STRING, &colorname[11] },
{ "color12", STRING, &colorname[12] },
{ "color13", STRING, &colorname[13] },
{ "color14", STRING, &colorname[14] },
{ "color15", STRING, &colorname[15] },
{ "background", STRING, &colorname[256] },
{ "foreground", STRING, &colorname[257] },
{ "cursorColor", STRING, &colorname[258] },
{ "termname", STRING, &termname },
{ "shell", STRING, &shell },
{ "minlatency", INTEGER, &minlatency },
{ "maxlatency", INTEGER, &maxlatency },
{ "blinktimeout", INTEGER, &blinktimeout },
{ "bellvolume", INTEGER, &bellvolume },
{ "tabspaces", INTEGER, &tabspaces },
{ "borderpx", INTEGER, &borderpx },
{ "cwscale", FLOAT, &cwscale },
{ "chscale", FLOAT, &chscale },
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ ShiftMask, Button4, kscrollup, {.i = 1} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, kscrolldown, {.i = 1} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\033[5;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\033[6;2~"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
@ -252,10 +188,6 @@ static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_l, copyurl, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Page_Up, kscrollup, {.i = -1} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Page_Down, kscrolldown, {.i = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Escape, keyboard_select,{.i = 0} },

View File

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
# st version
VERSION = 0.8.3
# Customize below to fit your system
# paths
PREFIX = /usr/local
APPPREFIX = $(PREFIX)/share/applications
MANPREFIX = $(PREFIX)/share/man
X11INC = /usr/X11R6/include
@ -16,12 +15,10 @@ PKG_CONFIG = pkg-config
# includes and libs
INCS = -I$(X11INC) \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags fontconfig` \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags freetype2` \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags harfbuzz`
LIBS = -L$(X11LIB) -lm -lrt -lX11 -lutil -lXft -lXrender \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags freetype2`
LIBS = -L$(X11LIB) -lm -lrt -lX11 -lutil -lXft \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs fontconfig` \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs freetype2` \
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs harfbuzz`
`$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs freetype2`
# flags
@ -31,9 +28,8 @@ STLDFLAGS = $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS)
# OpenBSD:
#LIBS = -L$(X11LIB) -lm -lX11 -lutil -lXft \
# `$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs fontconfig` \
# `$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs freetype2`
# `pkg-config --libs fontconfig` \
# `pkg-config --libs freetype2`
# compiler and linker
# CC = c99

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@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
#include <hb.h>
#include <hb-ft.h>
#include "st.h"
#include "hb.h"
#define FEATURE(c1,c2,c3,c4) { .tag = HB_TAG(c1,c2,c3,c4), .value = 1, .start = HB_FEATURE_GLOBAL_START, .end = HB_FEATURE_GLOBAL_END }
#define BUFFER_STEP 256
hb_font_t *hbfindfont(XftFont *match);
typedef struct {
XftFont *match;
hb_font_t *font;
} HbFontMatch;
typedef struct {
size_t capacity;
HbFontMatch *fonts;
} HbFontCache;
static HbFontCache hbfontcache = { 0, NULL };
typedef struct {
size_t capacity;
Rune *runes;
} RuneBuffer;
static RuneBuffer hbrunebuffer = { 0, NULL };
* Poplulate the array with a list of font features, wrapped in FEATURE macro,
* e. g.
* FEATURE('c', 'a', 'l', 't'), FEATURE('d', 'l', 'i', 'g')
hb_feature_t features[] = { };
for (int i = 0; i < hbfontcache.capacity; i++) {
if (hbfontcache.fonts != NULL) {
hbfontcache.fonts = NULL;
hbfontcache.capacity = 0;
hb_font_t *
hbfindfont(XftFont *match)
for (int i = 0; i < hbfontcache.capacity; i++) {
if (hbfontcache.fonts[i].match == match)
return hbfontcache.fonts[i].font;
/* Font not found in cache, caching it now. */
hbfontcache.fonts = realloc(hbfontcache.fonts, sizeof(HbFontMatch) * (hbfontcache.capacity + 1));
FT_Face face = XftLockFace(match);
hb_font_t *font = hb_ft_font_create(face, NULL);
if (font == NULL)
die("Failed to load Harfbuzz font.");
hbfontcache.fonts[hbfontcache.capacity].match = match;
hbfontcache.fonts[hbfontcache.capacity].font = font;
hbfontcache.capacity += 1;
return font;
void hbtransform(HbTransformData *data, XftFont *xfont, const Glyph *glyphs, int start, int length) {
ushort mode = USHRT_MAX;
unsigned int glyph_count;
int rune_idx, glyph_idx, end = start + length;
hb_font_t *font = hbfindfont(xfont);
if (font == NULL)
hb_buffer_t *buffer = hb_buffer_create();
hb_buffer_set_direction(buffer, HB_DIRECTION_LTR);
/* Resize the buffer if required length is larger. */
if (hbrunebuffer.capacity < length) {
hbrunebuffer.capacity = (length / BUFFER_STEP + 1) * BUFFER_STEP;
hbrunebuffer.runes = realloc(hbrunebuffer.runes, hbrunebuffer.capacity * sizeof(Rune));
/* Fill buffer with codepoints. */
for (rune_idx = 0, glyph_idx = start; glyph_idx < end; glyph_idx++, rune_idx++) {
hbrunebuffer.runes[rune_idx] = glyphs[glyph_idx].u;
mode = glyphs[glyph_idx].mode;
if (mode & ATTR_WDUMMY)
hbrunebuffer.runes[rune_idx] = 0x0020;
hb_buffer_add_codepoints(buffer, hbrunebuffer.runes, length, 0, length);
/* Shape the segment. */
hb_shape(font, buffer, features, sizeof(features)/sizeof(hb_feature_t));
/* Get new glyph info. */
hb_glyph_info_t *info = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(buffer, &glyph_count);
hb_glyph_position_t *pos = hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(buffer, &glyph_count);
/* Fill the output. */
data->buffer = buffer;
data->glyphs = info;
data->positions = pos;
data->count = glyph_count;
void hbcleanup(HbTransformData *data) {
memset(data, 0, sizeof(HbTransformData));

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
#include <hb.h>
#include <hb-ft.h>
typedef struct {
hb_buffer_t *buffer;
hb_glyph_info_t *glyphs;
hb_glyph_position_t *positions;
unsigned int count;
} HbTransformData;
void hbunloadfonts();
void hbtransform(HbTransformData *, XftFont *, const Glyph *, int, int);
void hbcleanup(HbTransformData *);


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=st is a simple terminal implementation for X

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@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
#define DIVCEIL(n, d) (((n) + ((d) - 1)) / (d))
#define DEFAULT(a, b) (a) = (a) ? (a) : (b)
#define LIMIT(x, a, b) (x) = (x) < (a) ? (a) : (x) > (b) ? (b) : (x)
#define ATTRCMP(a, b) (((a).mode & (~ATTR_WRAP)) != ((b).mode & (~ATTR_WRAP)) || \
(a).fg != (b).fg || \
#define ATTRCMP(a, b) ((a).mode != (b).mode || (a).fg != (b).fg || \
(a).bg != (b).bg)
#define TIMEDIFF(t1, t2) ((t1.tv_sec-t2.tv_sec)*1000 + \
@ -82,20 +81,17 @@ void die(const char *, ...);
void redraw(void);
void draw(void);
void kscrolldown(const Arg *);
void kscrollup(const Arg *);
void printscreen(const Arg *);
void printsel(const Arg *);
void sendbreak(const Arg *);
void toggleprinter(const Arg *);
void copyurl(const Arg *);
int tattrset(int);
void tnew(int, int);
void tresize(int, int);
void tsetdirtattr(int);
void ttyhangup(void);
int ttynew(const char *, char *, const char *, char **);
int ttynew(char *, char *, char *, char **);
size_t ttyread(void);
void ttyresize(int, int);
void ttywrite(const char *, size_t, int);
@ -113,8 +109,7 @@ size_t utf8encode(Rune, char *);
void *xmalloc(size_t);
void *xrealloc(void *, size_t);
char *xstrdup(const char *);
int trt_kbdselect(KeySym, char *, int);
char *xstrdup(char *);
/* config.h globals */
extern char *utmp;
@ -123,10 +118,7 @@ extern char *stty_args;
extern char *vtiden;
extern wchar_t *worddelimiters;
extern int allowaltscreen;
extern int allowwindowops;
extern char *termname;
extern unsigned int tabspaces;
extern unsigned int defaultfg;
extern unsigned int defaultbg;
extern unsigned int defaultcs;
extern float alpha;

View File

@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ st-mono| simpleterm monocolor,
@ -184,8 +183,6 @@ st-mono| simpleterm monocolor,
# XTerm extensions
# disabled rep for now: causes some issues with older ncurses versions.
# rep=%p1%c\E[%p2%{1}%-%db,
# tmux extensions, see TERMINFO EXTENSIONS in tmux(1)

View File

@ -21,24 +21,19 @@ enum win_mode {
MODE_NUMLOCK = 1 << 17,
void xbell(void);
void xclipcopy(void);
void xdrawcursor(int, int, Glyph, int, int, Glyph, Line, int);
void xdrawcursor(int, int, Glyph, int, int, Glyph);
void xdrawline(Line, int, int, int);
void xfinishdraw(void);
void xloadcols(void);
int xsetcolorname(int, const char *);
int xgetcolor(int, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *);
void xseticontitle(char *);
void xsettitle(char *);
int xsetcursor(int);
void xsetmode(int, unsigned int);
void xsetpointermotion(int);
void xsetsel(char *);
int xstartdraw(void);
void toggle_winmode(int);
void keyboard_select(const Arg *);
void xximspot(int, int);


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff