import { getCookie } from './utils.js'

const restURL = import.meta.env.PROD ? "" : "http://localhost:8080"

export async function restGet(endPoint) {
	return await _rest(endPoint, {method: "GET"});

export async function restPost(endPoint, data) {
	return await _rest(endPoint, {method: "POST", body: data});

export async function restDelete(endPoint, data) {
	return await _rest(endPoint, {method: "POST", body: data});

async function _rest(endPoint, config){ != "/" ? console.error("Carefull, you certainly should put a / at the begenning of your endPoint ") : true;
	let session_token = getCookie("session_token");
	let headers = new Headers({'Authorization': session_token});
	config['headers'] = headers;
	return fetch(restURL + endPoint, config).then( e => e.json());