#The minimum destroy speed the used tool needs on the block to vein mine.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0
requiredDestroySpeed = 1.0
#If enabled, vein mining will not activate if the used tool cannot harvest drops from the source block.
requireCorrectTool = false
#The maximum number of blocks to vein mine without the enchantment.
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
maxBlocksBase = 0
#The maximum number of blocks to vein mine per level of the enchantment.
#Range: 1 ~ 1000
maxBlocksPerLevel = 50
#If enabled, vein mining can mine diagonally.
diagonalMining = true
#If enabled, vein mining will stop when the tool can no longer be used.
limitedByDurability = true
#If enabled, vein mining will move drops from blocks to the source location.
relocateDrops = true
#If enabled, vein mining will never break tools.
preventToolDestruction = true
#If enabled, vein mining will damage the tool for each block mined.
addToolDamage = true
#The multiplier to tool damage from blocks that are vein mined.
#Range: 0 ~ 1000
toolDamageMultiplier = 1
#If enabled, vein mining will cause player exhaustion for each block mined.
addExhaustion = true
#The multiplier to player exhaustion from blocks that are vein mined.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0
exhaustionMultiplier = 1.0
#Determines the vein mineable blocks based on a preset option or a configured list.
blocks = "CONFIG_LIST"
#The blocks or block tags for vein mining if blocks is set to "CONFIG_LIST".
blocksList = ["#c:ores", "#forge:ores", "#minecraft:logs"]
#Determines if blocksList contains allowed blocks or denied blocks.
#Allowed Values: ALLOW, DENY
blocksListType = "ALLOW"
#The groups of blocks or block tags that are vein mined together.
groupsList = ["#c:adamantite_ores", "#c:aetherium_ores", "#c:aluminum_ores", "#c:amethyst_ores", "#c:antimony_ores", "#c:aquarium_ores", "#c:asterite_ores", "#c:banglum_ores", "#c:bauxite_ores", "#c:carmot_ores", "#c:certus_quartz_ores", "#c:cinnabar_ores", "#c:coal_ores", "#c:cobalt_ores", "#c:copper_ores", "#c:diamond_ores", "#c:emerald_ores", "#c:galaxium_ores", "#c:galena_ores", "#c:gold_ores,#minecraft:gold_ores", "#c:iridium_ores", "#c:iron_ores", "#c:kyber_ores", "#c:lapis_ores", "#c:lead_ores", "#c:lunum_ores", "#c:lutetium_ores", "#c:manganese_ores", "#c:metite_ores", "#c:mythril_ores", "#c:nickel_ores", "#c:orichalcum_ores", "#c:osmium_ores", "#c:palladium_ores", "#c:peridot_ores", "#c:platinum_ores", "#c:prometheum_ores", "#c:pyrite_ores", "#c:quadrillum_ores", "#c:quartz_ores", "#c:redstone_ores", "#c:ruby_ores", "#c:runite_ores", "#c:salt_ores", "#c:sapphire_ores", "#c:sheldonite_ores", "#c:silver_ores", "#c:sodalite_ores", "#c:sphalerite_ores", "#c:starrite_ores", "#c:stellum_ores", "#c:stormyx_ores", "#c:sulfur_ores", "#c:tantalite_ores", "#c:tin_ores", "#c:titanium_ores", "#c:topaz_ores", "#c:truesilver_ores", "#c:tungsten_ores", "#c:unobtainium_ores", "#c:ur_ores", "#c:uranium_ores", "#c:vermiculite_ores", "#c:zinc_ores"]