	// If enabled, tree harvesting only works when a player is holding an axe in the main hand.
	"mustHoldAxeForTreeHarvest": true,
	// If enabled, tree harvesting works when not holding the sneak button. If disabled it's reversed, and only works when sneaking.
	"treeHarvestWithoutSneak": false,
	// Whether the mod should attempt to find the actual bottom log of the tree and start there. This means you can break a tree in the middle and it will still completely be felled.
	"automaticallyFindBottomBlock": true,
	// If enabled, the leaves around a broken tree will quickly disappear. Only works with 'instantBreakLeavesAround' disabled.
	"enableFastLeafDecay": true,
	// If enabled, the warped stem/crimson trees in the nether will also be chopped down quickly.
	"enableNetherTrees": true,
	// If enabled, giant/huge mushrooms will also be chopped down quickly.
	"enableHugeMushrooms": true,
	// If enabled, trees with leaves placed by players won't be destroyed.
	"ignorePlayerMadeTrees": true,
	// If enabled, automatically replaces the sapling from the drops when a tree is harvested.
	"replaceSaplingOnTreeHarvest": true,
	// If enabled, automatically replaces the sapling from the drops when a huge mushroom is harvested and 'enableHugeMushrooms' is enabled.
	"replaceMushroomOnMushroomHarvest": true,
	// If enabled, for every log harvested, the axe held loses durability.
	"loseDurabilityPerHarvestedLog": true,
	// Here you can set how much durability chopping down a tree should take from the axe. For example if set to 0.1, this means that every 10 logs take 1 durability.
	// min: 0.001, max: 1.0
	"loseDurabilityModifier": 1.0,
	// If enabled, players' exhaustion level increases 0.005 per harvested log (Minecraft's default per broken block) * increaseExhaustionModifier.
	"increaseExhaustionPerHarvestedLog": true,
	// This determines how much exhaustion should be added to the player per harvested log. By default 0.005 * 1.0.
	// min: 0.001, max: 1.0
	"increaseExhaustionModifier": 1.0,
	// If enabled, harvesting time will increase per existing log in the tree. The amount is determined by 'increasedHarvestingTimePerLogModifier'.
	"increaseHarvestingTimePerLog": true,
	// How much longer it takes to harvest a tree with 'increaseHarvestingTimePerLog' enabled. The actual speed is: newSpeed = originalSpeed / (1 + (logCount * increasedHarvestingTimePerLogModifier)).
	// min: 0.01, max: 10.0
	"increasedHarvestingTimePerLogModifier": 0.2,
	// How many leaves should be broken per tick after a tree has been harvested. Increasing this will speed up the fast leaf decay, but costs more processing power per tick.
	// min: 1, max: 16
	"amountOfLeavesBrokenPerTick": 5