  general: {
    // Display Tooltip
    // Collect data and render the tooltip
    // Default value: [true]
    displayTooltip: true,
    // Sneaky Details
    // Body text is hidden unless sneaking
    // Default value: [false]
    shiftForDetails: true,
    // Hide Sneak Text
    // Hide "Sneak for details" text when sneaky details is enabled
    // Default value: [false]
    hideShiftText: true,
    // Display Mode
    // Tooltip display behavior
    // Toggle: Display keybind will toggle it on and off
    // Maintained: Display keybind must be held
    // Default value: [TOGGLE]
    // Available values: [HOLD_KEY, TOGGLE]
    displayMode: "TOGGLE",
    // Hide from Player List
    // Hide tooltip while the player list is open
    // Default value: [true]
    hideFromPlayerList: true,
    // Hide from Debug
    // Hide the tooltip while the debug menu is open
    // Default value: [true]
    hideFromDebug: true,
    // Enable TTS
    // Read out block and entity names with the system's text to speech processor
    // Default value: [false]
    enableTextToSpeech: false,
    // Rate Limit
    // How many milliseconds the delay between each server request
    // Must be at least 250ms
    // Default value: [250]
    rateLimit: 250
  overlay: {
    position: {
      align: {
        // Default value: [CENTER]
        // Available values: [LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT]
        x: "CENTER",
        // Default value: [TOP]
        // Available values: [TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM]
        y: "TOP"
      anchor: {
        // Default value: [CENTER]
        // Available values: [LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT]
        x: "CENTER",
        // Default value: [TOP]
        // Available values: [TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM]
        y: "TOP"
      // X Offset
      // X position relative from screen anchor
      // Position is affected by scale
      // Default value: [0]
      x: 0,
      // Y Offset
      // Y position relative from screen anchor
      // Position is affected by scale
      // Default value: [0]
      y: 5,
      // Boss Bars Overlap
      // If set to false, the tooltip will move down if there are boss bars visible
      // Only affect top-center alignment
      // Default value: [false]
      bossBarsOverlap: false
    color: {
      // Background Alpha
      // Default value: [204]
      backgroundAlpha: 0,
      // Custom Themes
      themes: [],
      // Theme
      // Default value: [waila:vanilla]
      activeTheme: "waila:vanilla"
    // Scale
    // How big the tooltip is
    // 1.0 is the default
    // Default value: [1.0]
    scale: 0.6,
    // Overlay FPS
    // Lowering the overlay FPS might improve the overall game FPS
    // Set to 0 to unlock
    // Default value: [30]
    fps: 30
  // Text formatters
  formatter: {
    // Default value: [§9§o%s]
    modName: "§9§o%s",
    // Default value: [§f%s]
    blockName: "§f%s",
    // Default value: [§f%s]
    fluidName: "§f%s",
    // Default value: [§f%s]
    entityName: "§f%s",
    // Default value: [§8%s]
    registryName: "§8%s"
  // Internal value, DO NOT TOUCH!
  // Default value: [0]
  configVersion: 1